Animalia > Chordata > Perciformes

Perciformes with Attributes

Wikipedia Abstract

Perciformes, also called the Percomorphi or Acanthopteri, are the largest order of vertebrates, containing about 41% of all bony fish. Perciformes means "perch-like". They belong to the class of ray-finned fish, and comprise over 10,000 species found in almost all aquatic ecosystems. The order contains about 160 families, which is the most of any order within the vertebrates. It is also the most variably sized order of vertebrates, ranging from the 7-mm (1/4-in) Schindleria brevipinguis to the marlin in the Makaira genus. They first appeared and diversified in the Late Cretaceous.
View Wikipedia Record: Perciformes


Acanthuridae (surgeonfishes and tangs) (1)
Ambassidae (Asiatic glassfish) (12)
Ammodytidae (sabd lances and sand lances) (5)
Anabantidae (climbing perches) (3)
Anarhichadidae (wolffishes) (4)
Apogonidae (cardinalfishes) (7)
Ariommatidae (Fish) (1)
Arripidae (Australian salmon) (3)
Blenniidae (blennies, combtooth blennies, and scaleless blennies) (7)
Bramidae (pomfrets) (6)
Callionymidae (dragonets and scotter blennies) (3)
Carangidae (jacks and pompanos) (33)
Centrarchidae (sunfish and sunfishes) (24)
Centrolophidae (rudderfishes) (8)
Centropomidae (snooks) (3)
Chaenopsidae (flag blennies) (1)
Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) (8)
Channidae (snakeheads) (12)
Cheilodactylidae (jackassfishes and morwongs) (2)
Cheimarrichthyidae (1)
Chiasmodontidae (black swallowers and deepsea swallowers) (2)
Cichlidae (cichlids) (94)
Coryphaenidae (dolphins and dorados) (2)
Datnioididae (1)
Drepaneidae (Sicklefish) (2)
Echeneidae (remoras and sharksuckers) (6)
Elassomatidae (6)
Eleotridae (sleepers) (29)
Embiotocidae (surf perches and surfperches) (5)
Emmelichthyidae (bonnetmouths) (1)
Enoplosidae (Oldwife) (1)
Ephippidae (spadefishes) (3)
Epigonidae (Cardinalfish) (2)
Gempylidae (snake mackerels) (8)
Gerreidae (mojarras) (7)
Gobiidae (gobies and true gobies) (122)
Haemulidae (grunts) (9)
Harpagiferidae (Plunderfish) (1)
Howellidae (1)
Istiophoridae (billfishes, marlins, sailfishes, and spearfishes) (11)
Kuhliidae (aholeholes, flagtails, and mountain basses) (3)
Kyphosidae (pilotfishes, rudderfishes, and sea chubs) (4)
Labridae (parrotfishes, rainbowfishes, and wrasses) (14)
Lateolabracidae (1)
Latidae (2)
Latridae (1)
Leiognathidae (ponyfishes) (8)
Lethrinidae (porgies, rudderfishes, and scavengers) (9)
Lobotidae (flashers and tripletails) (1)
Lutjanidae (sea perches and snappers) (27)
Luvaridae (louvars and luvarsus fishes) (1)
Malacanthidae (tilefishes) (4)
Monodactylidae (fingerfishes, moonfishes, and silver angelfishes) (1)
Moronidae (temperate basses) (5)
Mullidae (goat fishes) (4)
Nemipteridae (false snappers) (1)
Nomeidae (driftfishes, man-of-war fishes, and shepherdfishes) (4)
Nototheniidae (Antarctic blennies) (6)
Odontobutidae (Sleeper goby) (1)
Opistognathidae (jawfishes and smilers) (4)
Oplegnathidae (knifejaws) (2)
Osphronemidae (giant gouramis) (7)
Percichthyidae (temperate basses) (5)
Percidae (perches and true perches) (166)
Percophidae (Duckbill) (1)
Pholidae (gunnels) (1)
Plesiopidae (Roundhead) (2)
Polynemidae (threadfins) (6)
Polyprionidae (Wreckfish) (4)
Pomacanthidae (angelfishes) (7)
Pomacentridae (damselfishes) (14)
Pomatomidae (bluefishes) (1)
Priacanthidae (bigeyes and catalufas) (2)
Pristolepididae (1)
Pseudaphritidae (1)
Rachycentridae (cobias) (1)
Rhyacichthyidae (loach gobies) (2)
Scaridae (parrotfishes) (8)
Scatophagidae (butterfishes, scats, and spadefishes) (2)
Sciaenidae (croakers, drums, and roncadores) (45)
Scombridae (albacores, bonitos, mackerels, and tunas) (51)
Scombrolabracidae (Black mackerel) (1)
Serranidae (groupers and sea basses) (26)
Siganidae (rabbitfishes and spinefishes) (3)
Sillaginidae (sillagos, smelts, and whitings) (11)
Sparidae (porgies) (31)
Sphyraenidae (barracudas) (3)
Stromateidae (butterfishes, harvestfishes, and rudderfishes) (3)
Terapontidae (Tigerperch) (9)
Tetragonuridae (squaretails) (2)
Toxotidae (archerfishes) (4)
Trichiuridae (cutlassfishes, hairtails, and ribbonfishes) (2)
Tripterygiidae (threadfin blennies) (3)
Uranoscopidae (stargazers) (1)
Xiphiidae (swordfishes) (1)
Zoarcidae (eelpouts and viviparous blennies) (6)

(...) = Species count

External References

Species taxanomy provided by GBIF Secretariat (2022). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2023-06-13; License: CC BY 4.0